Research Article

Toward Enhancing the Energy Efficiency and Minimizing the SLA Violations in Cloud Data Centers

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of the proposed VMPMOPSO.
, number of the VMs;
, number of the physical servers;
, population size;
D, dimension of particles
, maximum size of ;
, maximum number of iteration;
, , minimum and maximum bounds of random number.
Output: E: the archive set (Pareto set) of the optimal VM placement solutions.
 01: Set t = 0, , , , i = (1, 2, …, R), d = (1, 2, …, D),
 02: Repeat
 03:  for i = 1 to R do
 04:   Generate a random position for the ith particle;
 05:   Evaluate the fitness value of for all i using formulas (6), (7), and (8);
 06:    / External archive updating /
 07:   ifthen
 08:    Update : ;
 09:    else if ()⋀() then
 10:    Update ;
 11:   end if
 12:  if then
 13:   fordo
 14:    Calculate the crowding entropy of each solution in E according to formula (17);
 15:    Sort archive in descending values;
 16:    Update , is the removed solution (redundant solutions);
 17:     Select the global best position randomly from the top of
 18:   end for
 19:  end if
 20:   Personal best position update;
 21:  end for
 22: for i = 1 to R do
 23:   for d = 1 to D do
 24:    Update the velocity using formula (12);
 25:    Compute the new position using formula (13)
 26:   end for
 27:  end for
 28: t = t + 1;//increment steps
 29: Until
 30: Output archive E (the Pareto set)