Review Article

Through a Lattice Darkly: Shedding Light on Electron-Phonon Coupling in the High Tc Cuprates

Figure 2

(a–e) ARPES data at the nodal point showing the ubiquity of the ARPES dispersion kink as determined from MDC fittings over a variety of cuprates systems, dopings, and temperatures above and below . The kink energy is indicated by the thick arrow and the momentum is rescaled so that is 1 at 170 meV binding energy. (f) Estimating the electron coupling constant for the different samples as a function of their doping. Filled triangles, diamonds, squares, and circles are LSCO, Nd-LSCO, Bi2201, and Bi2212 in the first BZ, respectively. Open circles are Bi2212 in the second zone. Different shadings represent data from different experiments. The figures are from [3].