Analytical Cellular Pathology

Inflammation, Immunity, and Intercellular Communication Within the Tumor Microenvironment

Publishing date
01 May 2022
Submission deadline
31 Dec 2021

1The "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

2County Hospital of Kalmar, Kalmar, Sweden

Inflammation, Immunity, and Intercellular Communication Within the Tumor Microenvironment


The involvement of inflammation in carcinogenesis has been demonstrated in all stages of the process, as well as in tumor invasion and dissemination. Inflammatory cells and their secreted compounds interact with cancer cells in the tumor microenvironment and play various roles depending on tissue and malignancy types, usually promoting tumor development.

While intensely studied in recent literature, there are still many unknown variables regarding the interplay of cellular factors and signaling pathways in certain cancer types and locations. In addition, cancer treatment alters the tumor microenvironment in sometimes unpredictable or inopportune ways, and low response rates or resistance to chemotherapy may develop and can be insurmountable in some cases.

This Special Issue aims to collect studies that analyze the inflammatory process in various cancers. Papers investigating the modulation of inflammation in response to various chemotherapeutic drugs or natural compounds are encouraged. Studies that provide insight into the signaling pathways and mechanics of the immune response in the inflammatory milieu of cancer are also welcomed. Additionally, we hope to attract thorough review articles that describe the current state of the art in the field, dealing with diagnosis, management, or investigation of the inflammatory component in cancer biology.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Inflammation and carcinogenesis
  • Inflammatory tumor microenvironment
  • Signaling pathways involved in tumor development and progression
  • Role of the immune response in cancer development
  • Interplay of factors in the extracellular matrix
  • Inflammation and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
  • Chemotherapy and chemoresistance related to inflammation
  • Anti-tumoral effects of drugs known to modulate the inflammatory response
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and potential anti-tumoral effects
  • Natural compounds and their role in cancer
  • Imaging methods revealing the inflammatory component in tumors
Analytical Cellular Pathology
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate13%
Submission to final decision163 days
Acceptance to publication24 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.590
Impact Factor3.2
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