Analytical Cellular Pathology

Protein Modifications in Epigenetic Dysfunctional Diseases: Cellular Pathology and Therapy

Publishing date
01 Apr 2023
Submission deadline
09 Dec 2022

Lead Editor
Guest Editors

1Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang, China

2Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

3Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

Protein Modifications in Epigenetic Dysfunctional Diseases: Cellular Pathology and Therapy


Epigenetic regulation refers to the changes in gene expression levels caused by non-gene sequence changes, including DNA methylation, histone modification, chromosomal remodeling, and non-coding RNA regulation. This is mainly through the regulation of the gene transcription or translation process, affecting its functions and characteristics. As an important part of epigenetic regulation, post-translational modifications (PTMs) significantly increase proteome diversity. These modifications include phosphorylation, ubiquitination, glycosylation methylation, and acetylation which could affect almost all aspects of normal cell biology and pathogenesis. Therefore, understanding how PTMs affect the function of key proteins is critical for the treatment and prevention of epigenetic dysfunctional diseases. With the vigorous development of next-generation sequencing and proteomics technology, many new non-coding RNA and novel protein modification sites have been identified, which has greatly expanded our understanding of the genome, transcriptome, and proteome. Although significant progress has recently been made in the identification of PTM substrates, the relationship between the modification and function of these substrates is still unclear, especially as the effect of crosstalk between various modifications on protein function is not well understood. In this research topic, the discovery of new crosstalk between different PTMs and novel regulatory mechanisms in multiple epigenetic dysfunctional diseases might help to reveal the occurrence and development mechanism, and treatment opportunities of these diseases.

The purpose of this Special Issue is to focus on the advances in epigenetic regulatory mechanisms such as post-translational modifications of proteins in the cellular pathogenesis and development of diseases. We welcome submissions of original research and review papers, including molecular mechanisms, translational applications, and techniques or discoveries in experimental methods.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Innovative advances in epigenetic modifications in cellular pathology
  • Novel regulatory mechanisms in multiple epigenetic dysfunctional diseases
  • New technologies or methods for identifying epigenetic modifications
  • Crosstalk between different epigenetic modifications such as PTMs
  • The mechanisms and biological functions of the crosstalk between different PTMs
  • The structure and functions of epigenetic-related enzymes
  • Novel mechanisms and translational applications of epigenetic related drugs
  • New roles of epigenetic modifications such as PTMs in cell signal transduction
  • New regulatory approaches related to epigenetic modification and translational medicine research
  • Bioinformatics research with validation to identify novel biomarkers associated with epigenetic regulation for disease diagnosis and prognosis.
Analytical Cellular Pathology
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate13%
Submission to final decision178 days
Acceptance to publication23 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.590
Impact Factor3.2
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