Research Article

Use of 𝟏 𝟓 N Natural Abundance and N Species Concentrations to Assess N-Cycling in Constructed and Natural Coastal Wetlands

Figure 3

Average increase in N H 4 + concentration (μg NH4-N per gram dry weight) in Oyster Rake retention pond sediment microcosms (calculated by subtracting N H 4 + concentration at time 0 from N H 4 + concentration at time of sampling) between sampling times 36 hours and 72 hours for 4 different nutrient treatments (1400  𝜇 g NO3-N per vial addition (NO3); 1400  𝜇 g NO3-N + 1000  𝜇 g NH4-N per vial addition (NO3 and NH4); live control with no N O 3 or N H 4 + addition (LC); abiotic control with 1400  𝜇 g NO3-N addition and no N H 4 + addition (ACNO3)). Error bars represent one standard deviation.