Research Article

Influence of Tillage and Daily Manure Application on the Survival of Bacterial Pathogens Indicators in Soil and on Radish

Table 2

Escherichia coli and Enterococcus sp. mean numbers on radish roots (Raphanus sativus L.) and in rhizosphere soil after 84 days when growing in soil amended with inorganic fertilizer (control) and solid dairy manure with deep (chisel) tillage to a 20 cm depth or shallow (roller) tillage to a 10 cm depth.

Dairy wasteTillageRhizosphere SoilRadish Peel
E. coliEnterococcus E. coliEnterococcus
colony forming units/g-1 dry weight of peel

ControlDeep0 a418 d0 a12 c
ControlShallow0 a224 d0 a8 c
LowDeep0 a930 c0 a39 b
LowShallow1 a2106 b0 a74 b
HighDeep0 a3187 b0 a42 b
HighShallow0 a11078 a0 a247 a

(a) In each column, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different as determined by the least square means test ( ; ). (b) Escherichia coli and Enterococcus sp. populations were transformed using logarithms to achieve normal distributions; Escherichia coli and Enterococcus sp. populations are reported in untransformed numbers.