Research Article

Influence of Stabilized Biosolids Application on Availability of Phosphorus, Copper, and Zinc

Table 1

Treatments of sewage sludge with the studied stabilized agents.

CodesTreatmentsMixing rate

SSSewage sludge100 g100 g
SS + BSewage sludge + bentonite90 g SS + 10 g B75 g SS + 25 g B
SS + SBFLSewage sludge + sugar beet factory lime90 g SS + 10 g SBFL75 g SS + 25 g SBFL
SS + CFASewage sludge + coal fly ash90 g SS + 10 g CFA75 g SS + 25 g CFA
SS + CaCO3Sewage sludge + calcium carbonate90 g SS + 10 g CaCO375 g SS + 25 g CaCO3
SS + RSSewage sludge + rice straw90 g SS + 10 g RS75 g SS + 25 g RS
SS + WHSewage sludge + water hyacinths90 g SS + 10 g WH75 g SS + 25 g WH
SS + CSSewage sludge + cotton stalks90 g SS + 10 g CS75 g SS + 25 g CS