Research Article

Crop Residue Biomass Effects on Agricultural Runoff

Table 2

Biomass residue and field length effects on runoff, TSS, DOC, and TSS-C in the 274 m long field. Shown are means (standard error), as well as analysis of variance results. .

Location (m)TreatmentRunoff
(m3 ha−1)
TSS conc (mg L−1)TSS export (kg ha−1)DOC conc
(mg L−1)
DOC export
(kg ha−1)
DOC storage
(kg ha−1)
TSS-C export
(kg ha−1)

91Control4140 (289)b343 (119)712 (142)b2.5 (0.2)c9.1 (0.9) 0.9 (0.9)111 (13)
Low3579 (847)b213 (50)508 (141)a4.4 (0.6)bc10.5 (1.8)−0.6 (1.8)85 (17)
Medium3702 (381)b234 (54)469 (41)a5.1 (1.0)b13.4 (0.6)−3.4 (0.7)90 (25)
High2373 (149)a309 (34)447 (75)a8.7 (0.8)a13.1 (1.3)−4.5 (2.1)90 (23)

183Control905 (166)y963 (242)507 (50)x3.2 (0.2)z2.3 (0.2)2.7 (0.2)33 (10)
Low870 (146)y191 (33)95 (6)y5.8 (1.1)yz3.5 (0.1)1.5 (0.0)21 (2)
Medium503 (199)y654 (292)155 (45)y12.2 (3.5)y3.5 (0.4)1.5 (0.4)18 (9)
High135 (45)x507 (104)51 (4)y30.5 (3.6)x2.7 (0.9)2.3 (0.8)5 (3)

Two-way ANOVA results

Biomass * NS ** *** NSNSNS
Length *** * *** *** *** *** **
Biomass × lengthNSNSNS *** NSNSNS

For each variable and length, values designated with the same letters are not significantly different ( ).