Research Article

Characterization of Potential Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Maize (Zea mays L.) in Central and Northern Benin (West Africa)

Figure 3

Distribution of rhizobacteria density according to (a) AEZ and (b) type of soil. WCTFS: Washing and Concretion Tropical Ferruginous Soil; WNCTFS: Washing and No Concretion Tropical Ferruginous Soil; WHTFS: Washing and Hydromorphic Tropical Ferruginous Soil; WITFS: Washing and Idurate Tropical Ferruginous Soil; FWTFS: Few Washing Tropical Ferruginous Soil; ITFS: Impoverished Tropical Ferruginous Soil; FDS: Few Developed Soil. The means with different letters are significantly different with probability level of 5% according to Student-Newman-Keuls test.