Research Article

A Comparison of Physical Soil Organic Matter Fractionation Methods for Amended Soils

Table 1

C content of whole (not sieved) soils used for the fractionation trials.

TreatmentAbbreviationWhole soil C (mg C·g−1)

Nonamended bare plot controlBP68.22 ± 2.23e
Garden compost (full rate)GCf112.28 ± 5.66c
Garden compost (half rate)GCh81.67 ± 7.98d
Composted horse manureH145.86 ± 3.81b
PeatPt222.40 ± 1.64a

Data are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Mean values not sharing a superscript letter are significantly different (; Tukey’s significant difference).