Research Article

Study on Irrigation Water Quality in the Rift Valley Areas of Awash River Basin, Ethiopia

Table 9

Classification of irrigation water quality.


pH<6.5Acidic[20, 21]

EC (dS/m)<0.25Low saline (totally safe)[15, 19, 20, 24, 25]
0.25–0.75Moderately saline (safe)
0.75–2.25Medium-to-high salinity (leaching required)
2.25–4High salinity (unsafe)
4–6Very high salinity (unsafe)
>6Excessive salinity (severe)

SAR<10Low (excellent)[15, 19, 24, 25]
10–18Medium (good)
18–26High (doubtful)
>26Very high (unsuitable)

1.5–8.5Slight to moderate

Cl<2None (generally safe for all plants)[15, 20, 25]
2–4Slight to moderate (sensitive plants usually show slight to moderate injury)
4–10High (moderately tolerant plants usually show slight to substantial injury)
>10Very high (can cause severe problems)

RSC (meq/L)<1.25Safe[15, 25]