Research Article

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization and Nitrogen Fixing Endophytic Bacteria Supplementation on Soil Fertility, N Uptake, Growth, and Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivated on Alluvial Soil in Dykes

Table 5

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer levels and nitrogen fixing endophytic bacteria supplementation, Enterobacter spp., on yield components and grain yield of sesame cultivated on alluvial soil in dykes at harvest.

FactorsYield componentsGrain yield
Number ofcapsules per plantCapsule lengthCapsulediameterNumber of rowsper capsuleNumber ofseeds per rowWeight 1,000seeds
Capsule plant−1cmcmRows capsule−1Seed row−1gg pot−1

Nitrogen fertilizerlevels (A) (%)03.88d1.91c1.12b6.53c8.88d2.432.72d

NFEB inoculants (B)(8 × 107 CFU g−1 DSW)No-NFEB7.08c2.13b1.13b6.72c10.7b2.457.37b

Significant differencesF (A)ns
F (B)ns
F (AB)nsnsnsns
CV (%)

In a column, the different superscripts indicate significant differences at 5% (, ), and without letter indicates no significant difference according to Duncan’s post hoc test at 5% level; NFEB: nitrogen fixing endophytic bacteria; No-NFEB: no applied nitrogen fixing endophytic bacteria; Mixture: both ASD-48 and ASD-21; CV: coefficient of variation; DSW: dry soil weight.