Research Article

Status of Soil Acidity under Different Land Use Types and Soil Depths: The Case of Hojje Watershed of Gomibora District, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 2

The interaction effects of land use and soil depth on soil pH (H2O), pH (KCl), Ex. acidity and acid saturation percentage of the soils in the Hojje watershed (N = 24).

Land use typespH (H2O), 1 : 2.5pH (KCl),1 : 2.5EA., cmol(+) kg−1Acid saturation (%)
Soil depth (cm)

LSD (0.05)0.1320.180.362.34

The interaction effects within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other at . CL, cultivated land; HG, home garden; GL, grazing land; EP, Eucalyptus plantation; KCl, potassium chloride; AS, acid saturation percentage; LSD, least significance difference; CV, coefficient of variation; EA, exchangeable acidity; N, number of samples.