Research Article

Soil Test Based Fertilizer Calibration for Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties of the Southern Ethiopia

Table 7

Marginal analysis of common bean variety as influenced by blended fertilizer rates.

Treatments (kg ha−1)VarietiesUnadjusted yield (kg ha−1)Adjusted yield (kg ha−1)GB (ETB ha−1)TVC (ETB ha−1)NB (ETB ha−1)MRR (%)

0Awassa dume17681591.20477360477360
50Awassa dume21331919.7575911200563918.66
100Awassa dume23122080.8624242400600243.633
150Awassa dume23042073.662208360058608−1.42
200Awassa dume22642037.661128480056328−2.28
250Awassa dume22272004.360129600054129−2.20