Case Report

Red Blood Cell Transfusion Independence Following the Initiation of Iron Chelation Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of 10 MDS patients achieving red blood cell transfusion independence with iron chelation therapy.

Clinical Feature (units)

Age at MDS diagnosis (years)Median 58 (range 18–74)
MDS subtype (FAB or WHO)
IPSS score
 Intermediate-1 or 21
 Not available2
Iron chelation agent
Time to RBC transfusion independence (months)Median 17.5 (range 1–24)
Duration of RBC transfusion independence (months)Median 13 (range 3–40)

Abbreviations: F: female; FAB: French-American-British; IPSS: International Prognostic Scoring
System; M: male; : number; RA: refractory anemia; RARS: refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts,
RAEB: refractory anemia with excess blasts; RBC: red blood cell; RCMD: refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia; and WHO: World Health Organization.