Research Article

The Observation Report of Red Blood Cell Morphology in Thailand Teenager by Using Data Mining Technique

Figure 1

The decision tree from J48 algorithm in predicting RBC morphology. If MCV is less than or equal to 78.3 fL, RBC is labeled as abnormal RBC morphology but if MCV is more than 78.3 fL and MCH is more than 25.2 pg, RBC is still labeled as normal. And if MCH is less than or equal to 25.2 pg but Hct is greater than 37.1%, RBC is normal. On the other hand, if Hct is less than or equal to 36.7%, RBC is abnormal. But if Hct is between 36.7 and 37.1% and RBC is less than or equal to cell/L, it will most likely be normal RBC morphology. However, if RBC is more than cell/L, it is abnormal RBC morphology.