Research Article

The Effects of Sample Transport by Pneumatic Tube System on Routine Hematology and Coagulation Tests

Table 1

Summary of the differences in CBC between pneumatic tube samples and hand delivered samples.

S. no.Paired samplesMean differenceStandard deviation of mean difference95% confidence interval of mean differenceP value

1RBC P-RBC M (x1012/l)-.03.21 -.08.01.11
2HB P-HB M (g/dl)-.01.24 -.06.05.84
3MCV P-MCV M (fl)-.821.9 -1.28-.37.001
4MCH P-MCH M (pg).03.41 -.06.12.500
5MCHCP-MCHC M (g/dl).36.84 .17.56<0.001
6RDW P-RDW M (%)-.33.67 -.49-.18<0.001
7WBC P-WBC M (x109/l).041.2 -.24.32.759
8NE P-NE M (%)-.452.94 -
9LY P-LY M (%).203.30 -.55.96.590
10MO P-MO M (%).301.37 -.01.62.057
11EO P-EO M (%).283.46 -.501.08.472
12BA P-BA M (%).01.33 -.06.08.754
13PLT P-PLT M (x109/l).13.26 .07.19<0.001
14MPV P-MPV M (fl)-.18.64 -.32-.03.017

P: pneumatic tube samples; M: hand delivered samples; RBC: red blood cells count; HB: hemoglobin; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW: red cell distribution width; WBC: white blood cell count; NE: neutrophils; LY: lymphocytes; MO: monocytes; EO: eosinophils; BA: basophils; PLT: platelets; MPV: mean platelet volume.