Research Article

Regulatory T Cells and Profile of FOXP3 Isoforms Expression in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Table 2

The characteristics of patients with MDS.

ParameterPatients with MDS, n=76Frequency, %

Age, years69 (63–76)-
 Male3546.1 34.8; 57.3
 Female4153.9 42.7; 65.2
MDS variant (WHO2008)
 RA11418.4 9.7; 27.1
MDS associated with isolated67.9 1.8; 14.0
del(5q)56.6 1.0; 12.2
 RARS21722.4 13.0; 31.7
 RCMD31519.7 10.8; 28.7
 RAEB4-11925.0 15.3; 34.7
 Normal4863.2 52.3; 74.0
 Abnormal2836.8 26.0; 47.7
 Low1925.0 15.3; 34.7
 Intermediate-11215.8 7.6; 24.0
 Intermediate-21925.0 15.3; 34.7
 High2634.2 23.5; 44.9

Note: The karyotype changes are described in the text. 1RA, refractory anemia; RARS, refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts; RCMD, refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia; RAEB, refractory anemia with excess blasts.