Research Article

Effect of Imatinib on Bone Marrow Morphology and Angiogenesis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Table 3

Bone marrow morphology findings at the time of diagnosis and at 3 months after treatment follow-up.

Morphological parameterAt the time of diagnosisAt 3 months of follow-up

Increased cellularity31 (100%)4 (13.79%)

M:E ratio > 4:131 (100%)4 (13.79%)

Abnormal megakaryocytes31 (100%)5 (17.24%)

FibrosisGrade 006 (20.69%)
Grade 14 (12.9%)12 (41.38%)
Grade 219 (61.29%)9 (31.03%)
Grade 38 (25.80%)2 (6.89%)

Blast count > 510 (32.25%)1 (3.44%)

Basophils > 122 (70.96%)5 (17.24%)

M:E ratio: myeloid: erythroid ratio