Research Article

Expanding Interaction Potentials within Virtual Environments: Investigating the Usability of Speech and Manual Input Modes for Decoupled Interaction

Table 2

Initial impressions of manual and speech input.

QuestionInteraction mode

What do you think of the general idea?(i) Good, as long as it does not distract from the tasks or make it too complicated
(ii) Fairly good, they are a standard easily available platform which is mobile
(iii) Could be useful
(iv) Think it is a good idea
(i) Good, has to be effective and for suitable tasks (if it does not work well, could do more harm than good)
(ii) Allows the user to be hands free
(iii) Could be useful in certain situations, in principle
(iv) I like the idea

What do you think are the general advantages of this mode of input?(i) More precise movement/control
(ii) It is handheld, and it gives a physical interface to manipulate
(iii) Wireless, allows for complex full colour interfaces
(iv) Quick easy interaction
(i) When input devices not possible (hands using something else) or as additional input device
(ii) It frees your hands to do other tasks; people with motor control problems could use the system
(iii) Do not need to use complicated handheld devices which may be uncomfortable to use

What do you think are the general disadvantages of this mode of input?(i) Could make interaction more complicated and navigation difficult
(ii) It is a uniform platform, so it has not been designed specifically with this in mind. A tool developed purely for this may be better
(iii) Could get overcomplicated
(iv) Having to look away from the main display when using them/if presence is important, then this may be distracting
(i) Frustrating if does not work well, when not speaking to, it how does it know?
(ii) The user has nothing physical to manipulate so accuracy may be less, and some people may prefer a physical interface
(iii) Problems of lag, delay in recognising commands, if at all
(iv) Possible inaccuracies might need a lot of training for good recognition

Which functions in virtual applications do you think would be suitable for a handheld device and why?(i) Hard to say, perhaps group interactions or where rapid response is not necessary
(ii) Navigation, interaction of menu items, these items probably easier to display on the handheld device
(iii) Discrete tasks, making specific changes to objects or selecting them because the menus used on handheld devices similar to desktop and hence desktop type interaction
(i) Change view point, pull up menus, selecting menu options
(ii) Where hand-free is a bonus, for example, surgical uses for surgeons
(iii) Anything that requires the users to be using their hands for something else
(iv) Discrete tasks, not general navigation