Research Article

PaperCAD: A System for Interrogating CAD Drawings Using Small Mobile Computing Devices Combined with Interactive Paper

Table 1

Legal state transitions for equation HMM. digit = digits from “0” to “9”; alpha = all uppercase letters; alpha_cs = all uppercase letters except “C” and “S”; op = “+”, “−”, “”, and “/”.

“ ”, “=” “ ”
op digit, alpha
“(” digit, alpha, “+”, “−”, “·”
“)” op, “=”
“·” digit
digit digit, op, “=”, “)”, “·”
alpha_cs op, “=”, “)”
“C” op, “=”, “)”, “CO”
“S” op, “=”, “)”, “SI”
“CO” “COS”
“SI” “SIN”
“SIN”, “COS” “(”