Research Article

From Chance to Serendipity: Knowledge Workers’ Experiences of Serendipitous Social Encounters

Table 3

Categories of contextual and interaction triggers identified in the respondents’ stories.

Trigger typeCategoryExamples from the stories

ContextualPublic place (10 stories)Streets, airports, clinics, train stations, hostels, bus stops, saunas, cafés, and ski slopes
Professional event (7 stories)Conferences, exhibitions, and seminars
ICT-mediated environment (7 stories)Phone and video calls, emails, and social network services (e.g., Facebook)
Work premises (6 stories)Kitchens, meeting rooms, offices, and halls
Education premises (5 stories)Campus areas and group classes
Social event (2 stories)Volunteering events and fairs

InteractionDirect communication (29 stories)Introducing each other, small talk, useful information exchange, official meetings, and discussions of fields of interest, problems, and opportunities
Repeated encounters (9 stories)Bumping into the same person several times, attracting attention and motivating follow-up
Unsought interactions (9 stories)Introduction of two actors by a familiar person (e.g., a friend or supervisor) when they least expect it, initiation of interactions by stranger
Receiving assistance or advice (8 stories)Assumption of the role of mentor by the recently encountered person, leading to professional follow-up or valuable outcomes