Research Article

Development and Alpha Testing of EzHifz Application: Al-Quran Memorization Tool

Table 1

Memorizing techniques.


RepetitionRecurrence or replication of process that helps in strengthening the memory of what is being learned as it is a well-rehearsed method that helps to maintain the memory retention of the Quran for a long time [6, 30, 31]. Repetition of hearing or seeing affects the short-term memory [32].
KeywordA two-tier procedure to remember new words that have relevant components called acoustic and mental links [33].
SegmentationBreaking up a long string into smaller manageable elements and it is implemented in the information or symbolic encoding for retaining long-term memory [34].
Visual mapMemorize facts through colored images; student can learn and memorize information easily through vision [35].
Open-closeA method of opening and closing the mushaf (the written pages of the Quran) of the verse alternately while memorizing the Quran [36].
Highlight or pointerA signaling principle in multimedia that improves learning when cues that highlight or point the essential materials are added. This includes outlines, headings, and a pointer that highlight printed text such as using bolding, italics, or underlining [37]. Even finger indicators are often used as indicators in the reading.
AssociationA memorizing technique for students with high visual tendencies. There are three types of graphical use, namely, migration maps, flowcharts, and contrast comparisons [38]. It helps students to remember well through the compilation and remapping of images coupled with color elements.