Research Article

Diabetes Mellitus Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Classifiers with Oversampling and Feature Augmentation

Algorithm 4

K-nearest neighbor (KNN).
Invalue: Value that is n-dimensional, X1ϵR1n1 and outvalue (target), Y1ϵR1
Outvalue: The pp, P1 ∈ [0, 1] of test data (unseen), x,
, C1 = 2 (diabetes present (C1) or not (C2))
(1)The geometric distances are calculated,
D1h1 for k1 query points, where X1i1 = current instance, x1i1 = query instance, q1 = order
(2)Establish set S1 with k1 points (closest)
(3)Estimate the pp, P1 for each class
f 1(x1) is the function to class assignment.
pp means posterior probability.