Review Article

User Experience Practices in Software Startups: A Systematic Mapping Study

Table 7

Points identified in the papers where UX, products, and services are linked in developing customer value.

IDPoints of value generation

S1Use UX to investigate public opinion about the product, obtaining data on product attractiveness, efficiency, insight, dependability, stimulability, and novelty
S2Validate the product by involving the development team and users, obtaining artifacts that drive prototyping and development
S3Focusing on UX creates a better product proposition, creating new opportunities for designers and developers to create more diverse experiences for different contexts and users
S4Use design thinking in planning to have reasonable satisfaction and experience while using the application
S5Select well-defined research methods, conduct customer research, establish validity, and consider ethnic aspects to create value for the customer
S6Create products that are attractive (visual, human, novel, and hooking), accessible (intuitive, easy, and simple), and professional (credible, functional, and efficient)
S7Identifying user needs, collecting feedback, and focusing on user-centered design increase the chances of success for startups
S8The UX practice helps the startup rethink and test its products with the user as the ultimate focus
S9Ensure that UX planning, design, and customer validation are early in the process and be ready for negative feedback in early user testing
S10The relevance of the mindset and design thinking techniques adds value because it allows an accurate perception of the users’ needs
S11The startup can develop a product through UX techniques where the user understands the concept, knows how to perform the tasks, and finds it credible and attractive enough
S12Using the UX approach avoids a long specification and development process that eventually leaves the user unsatisfied; therefore, the work process must be highly efficient and involve the least wasted resources
S13When companies are oriented toward strategies that put UX at the center of their customer offerings, they can benefit from business value through differentiation, scalability for the mass market, and customer loyalty
S14Involving the users in the product design and development process helps create value by providing important product improvement feedback