Review Article


Table 6

Geographical location, size, and depth of geoneutrino detectors. Size in number of free protons, depth in meter water equivalent. Adapted from [38].

Detector Location
Lat. N Lon. E Free p Depth m.w.e.

Operating or under construction
 KamLAND Kamioka, Japan 36.43 137.31 0.6 2700
 Borexino LNGS, Gran Sasso, Italy 42.45 13.57 0.1 3700
 SNO+ SNOLAB, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 46.47 0.6 6000
 LENA CUPP, Pyhäsalmi, Finland 63.66 26.05 36.7 4000
 Homestake DUSEL, Lead, South Dakota, USA 44.35 0.5 4500
 Baksan BNO, Caucasus, Russia 43.29 42.70 4.0 4800
 Daya Bay II Daya Bay, China 8–42
 Hanohano Pacific 19.72 7.3 4500