Research Article

Status and New Data of the Geochemical Determination of the pp-Neutrino Flux by LOREX

Figure 3

The neutral atom is stable with respect to decay into the continuum since the value for this decay is negative, . However, for bare ( ) or hydrogen-like ions bound-state decay becomes allowed, where the created electron remains bound in the K-shell of the daughter ion . Due to the “saved” K-shell binding energy, the value for this decay ( (K)) gets positive. Both, the capture of solar pp-neutrinos and the bound-state beta decay populate predominantly the first exited state of the nucleus at 2.3 keV and share the same nuclear matrix element for this transition. Therefore, the measurement of the bound-state decay probability of bare or hydrogen-like  ions provides the unknown capture probability of the solar pp-neutrinos by the atoms. Based on the log ft values of comparable decays, the bound-beta half-life ( ) of bare ions was estimated by Takahashi and Yokoi [19] to about 120 d. Since this extrapolated value has to be regarded as uncertain within (at least) a factor of three, only the measurement of the bound-beta half-life can provide a safe number with a reliable error margin for the capture probability of solar pp-neutrinos by .