Research Article

Magnetic Hexadecapole Transitions and Neutrino-Nuclear Responses in Medium-Heavy Nuclei

Table 1

(M4) NMEs for M4 transitions in the mass region of = 70–, where the major single-QP transition is -. Here stands for the odd-proton/odd-neutron transition. , , and are the experimental, single-QP, and MQPM NMEs in units of 103 fm3.

Nucleus Transition

Kr 0.528 1.57 1.44
Y 0.739 2.12 2.02
Zr 0.559 1.60 1.47
Y 0.480 2.13 1.83
In 0.706 2.38 2.09
In 0.670 2.40 2.13
In 0.640 2.33 2.10
In 0.609 2.45 2.03
In 0.603 2.46 2.05
In 0.614 2.48 2.03