
There is an “Infodemic” of COVID-19 in which there are a lot of rumours and information disorders spreading rapidly, the purpose of the study is to build a predictive model for identifying whether the COVID-19 information in the Malay language in Malaysia is real or fake. Under the study of COVID-19 fake news detection, the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) is used to generate synthetic instances of real news in the training set after natural language processing (NLP) and before data modelling because the number of fake news is approximately three times greater than that of real news. Logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, decision trees, support vector machines, random forests, and gradient boosting are employed and compared to determine the most suitable predictive model. In short, the gradient-boosting classifier model has the highest value of accuracy and F1-score.

1. Introduction

This study focuses on detecting COVID-19 fake news in Malaysia. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been announced as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) since March 11th, 2020 [1], and there are a lot of discussion and news on social media every day. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people not only need to fight the disease and work on the research to find the cure for COVID-19, but also need to be aware of the growth of the social consequence of the pandemic, which is known as the “Infodemic” of COVID-19. In mid-February 2020, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, proclaims, “We are not just fighting an epidemic; we are fighting an infodemic” [2]. Based on the definition of the Cambridge Dictionary, infodemic represents a situation that plenty of false information is being spread in a harmful way [3]. The advent of social media has permitted people to share information without restriction. In this digital era, nearly everyone can be exposed to social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and sometimes it is easy to be influenced by fake news without thinking much. In April 2020, the United Nations Communications Response was launched by the United Nations Secretary-General to combat the growth of false information about COVID-19 because disseminating wrong information to the public can not only be harmful to the physical and mental health of the people but also reduce the effectiveness of countries’ ability to stop the pandemic [4]. Since, COVID-19 is the first pandemic in history in which technology and social media are employed to keep people informed and connected, it is important to spread the appropriate trust and correct information rather than false and fake information that will jeopardize measures to manage the pandemic [4].

News plays an essential role in our daily lives and society as it is a primary source of information that informs the public’s opinion and deliberative processes. Therefore, the public should be receiving real news instead of fake news so that they will not be misled by the information disorder. The council of Europe has introduced a conceptual framework that categorizes information disorder into three different types according to the level of harm associated with it, which are misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation [5]. Besides these three categories, there are multiple terms defined as categories of fake news in past studies, and the categories of fake news are clickbait, conspiracy theory, fabricated news, hoax, and rumour [611].

When COVID-19 has been announced as a global pandemic, many people tend to feel anxious about this pandemic due to uncertainties and the presence of an unknown virus. The situation is getting more serious when people start to create rumours of information disorder and spread rapidly. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) encourages the public to visit the official website, which is (https://www.sebenarnya.my) to identify the factuality of the news. Therefore, it is vital to identify the suspicious news related to COVID-19 is real news or fake news, so this study is conducted for COVID-19 fake news detection in Malay language by using machine learning algorithms. Research on COVID-19 misinformation in Malaysian context is very limited and is also one of the motivations to carry out this research study. The research question is as follows: how can COVID-19 fake news in Malay language be detected and predicted by using machine learning algorithms? This led to the objective, which is to build a predictive model for identifying whether the COVID-19 information in Malay language in Malaysia is real or fake.

This study was carried out by collaborating with Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), where MCMC provided data collected from social media, such as WhatApp, Facebook, Twitter, and online news platforms. All data are converted to structured data, and conducted predictive data analysis using machine learning algorithms to identify the truth of the news. The outcomes of this study are believed to provide valuable theoretical contributions, and the predictive model of fake news detection is able to play a significant role in reducing systematic cybersecurity risk.

Based on the related work regarding fake news detection, which has been summarized in Table 1, it is clearly shown that the NLP techniques that are commonly used are tokenization, stop word removal, stemming, and lemmatization, whereas the feature extraction that is commonly used is the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). By referring to the machine learning algorithms that have been employed by researchers, there are several algorithms that outperform the other algorithms, such as random forest, linear support vector machines (LinearSVM), decision tree, and logistic regression. Moreover, there are several deep learning algorithms mentioned by the researchers, such as neural networks, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Dense Neural Network (DNN), and Passive Aggressive Classifiers that are proven to be better fitted models for fake news detection.

3. Materials and Methods

Before further discussion, the summarized methodology of this study is shown in Table 2.

The framework of this study that will be employed is the CrossIndustry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) method, where the steps are shown in Figure 1. First, business understanding is carried out to have a deep understanding of the domain of the study, which is COVID-19 fake news detection. During the business understanding process, the problem statement is identified, and the objective of the study is determined. After that, the data understanding is conducted to identify the characteristics and descriptions of the dataset. A count plot of fake news and real news is visualized to observe whether the data are balanced or not.

For the data preparation process, data preprocessing and feature extraction will be carried out. During data preprocessing, there are a few steps that will be conducted, including tokenization, URL, and punctuation removal, words with the character removal, number removal, stop word removal, stemming, and lemmatization. After data preprocessing, the frequency distributions of each token of a word and word clouds are visualized. Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) is employed in the feature extraction process. The data are split into two sets, which are the train dataset and test dataset with a ratio 7 : 3.

After the data are ready, the machine learning algorithm techniques that will be employed to detect the fake news of COVID-19 are decision tree, logistic regression, random forest, linear support vector machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes, and gradient boosting classifiers. These algorithms will undergo parameter tuning using grid search. After data modelling, the performance of each algorithm is compared using four types of evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to identify the most suitable algorithm for COVID-19 fake news detection.

3.1. Data Understanding

The dataset is provided by the Malaysia Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The language used in the data is Malay, and the news is distinguished into four categories, including “Makluman” (information), “Palsu” (fake), “Penjelasan” (explanation), and “Waspada” (awareness). The news period is between January 16, 2020, and December 8, 2021.

3.2. Data Preparation

For the data preparation process, data preprocessing and feature extraction are carried out. During data preprocessing, a few steps will be conducted by using natural language processing (NLP) as the dataset consists of text data, including tokenization, lowercase transformation, URLs and punctuation removal, words with characters removal, numbers removal, stop words removal, stemming, and lemmatization. After data preprocessing, frequency distribution of each token of a word and word clouds are visualized. Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) is employed in the feature extraction process. The data are split into two sets, which are the train dataset and the test dataset, with a ratio of 7 : 3. Thus, there are a total of eleven steps to be conducted and the steps are summarized in Table 3.

To investigate the news distribution of the categories, a frequency bar chart is plotted as shown in Figure 2. Based on Figure 2, there are 391 fake news (“Palsu”), 128 explanation news (“Penjelasan”), 37 awareness news (“Waspada”), and 1 information news (“Makluman”).

Based on the categories in column “Kategori”, a column “Label” is created. Since the news in the category “Waspada” (awareness) is considered as neutral, the rows of data with the category “Waspada” (awareness) are excluded in the data analysis process. For the column “Label,” the news in the category “Makluman” (information), and “Penjelasan” (Explanation) column is labelled as real news, whereas the news in the category “Palsu” (fake) are labelled as real news. The frequency bar chart of the label of news is plotted as shown in Figure 3.

The word cloud of fake news is visualized and shown in Figure 4. The higher the frequency of the token of word in the document, the larger the weight of the word among all words in the document. The most frequent token word in the COVID-19 fake news document is “benar” (true), followed by “tular” (contagious), “dakwa” (claim), “hospital” (hospital), and “berita” (news).

Next, when the data preprocessing has been done, data feature extraction has been conducted using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) with bigram. Term frequency (TF) measures the frequency of a word that appears in a document, and the formula for term frequency is shown [20], whereas inverse document frequency (IDF) measures the significance of the document in the corpus [21], and the formula of inverse document frequency is shown [20]. Panchai [20] indicates that a high value of term frequency and a low value of inverse document frequency will result in a high weight in term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF).

Based on Figure 3, it is known that data imbalance problem exists, so this problem is required to be resolved before data modelling is carried out. First, the class distribution of the label for train data is identified, and it is found that there are 278 fake news, and 86 real news in the train data, indicating that the class distribution is not uniform among the class labels. Resampling is one of the techniques that can be used to solve the data imbalance problem, and the resampling method includes undersampling and oversampling. Undersampling is employed when there is enough data to be used because this technique will randomly reduce the size of majority class to match the size of minority class, whereas oversampling is employed when there is insufficient of data, so this technique will increase the size of the minority class to match the number of sizes of the majority class [22].

Since the size of the train data for minority classes, which is real news, is small, there will be an insufficient set data, if the undersampling technique is employed. Therefore, this study will employ oversampling to solve the data imbalance issue, where 192 synthetic real news will be randomly generated by SMOTE to balance the class distribution. Badr stated that the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) is the most common technique to be used [23]. For SMOTE, k nearest neighbors (kNN) is used to generate synthetic instances for real news [24]. SMOTE is used because this technique has the advantage of not duplicating the data points that other oversampling techniques usually implement, but SMOTE is creating synthetic data points [27].

3.3. Data Modelling
3.3.1. Decision Tree

According to Hunt’s algorithm, the decision tree is constructed in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner. Sharma and Kumar defined a decision tree is a flowchart-like tree structure that contains internal node, branches, and leaf nodes. An internal node represents a test on an attribute, a branch represents the test’s outcome, and a leaf node represents the class label [26]. There are three types of decision tree algorithms, including C4.5, Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3), and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). There are three types of splitting criteria, including information gain (IG), gain ratio, and Gini index, which are used to evaluate the split quality in the decision tree algorithm [27]. Information gain is conceived from information entropy; gain ratio is the advanced version of information gain, whereas Gini index is the criteria that was developed to optimize the splitting of decision tree. The lower the value of entropy, the better the model, as this indicates that the labels of the data are quite uniform. The higher the gain ratio, the greater the quality of the split in the decision treewhere is the proportion of class i, is the original dataset, is the jth subdataset after being split, and are the numbers of samples that belong to the original dataset and the subdataset, respectively, is the entropy of the j-th subdataset.

3.3.2. Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a regression machine learning algorithm that is employed when the response variable is dichotomous in nature. Logistic regression is a predictive model that is suitable to describe and test hypotheses regarding the relationships between categorical target variable and categorical or continuous independent variables. Due to the binary outcome variable, the shape of the scatterplot is not linear but sigmoidal or S-shaped, which is difficult to describe by linear regression. Therefore, logistic regression is used to solve the nonlinearity problem by applying the logit transformation to the response variable [28].where .

3.3.3. Random Forest

Random forest is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that consists of many decision trees. Random forest has the advantage of resolving the overfitting issue caused by decision trees, and the accuracy of random forest will be better than that of decision trees [29]. Moreover, the random forest algorithm can not only handle large datasets with high dimensionality efficiently but also have a lower training time as compared to other algorithms [30]. For a random forest classifier, when the forest has a greater number of trees, it will lead to higher accuracy, and the overfitting problem can be avoided.

3.3.4. Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is a supervised machine learning algorithm, can be distinguished into two types, including linear SVM and nonlinear SVM. A linear SVM classifier is used for binary classes or linearly separable data, whereas a nonlinear data classifier is applicable for nonlinearly separated data [31]. The goal of the SVM algorithm is to identify the best decision boundary, called the optimal hyperplane that can partition the data points in the n-dimensional space [32]. Among the data points, there are some extreme points named support vectors that are used to identify and create the hyperplane. Since the label of the dataset has two classes, the linear SVM algorithm is employed in this study.

3.3.5. Naïve Bayes

Naïve Bayes algorithm is a supervised machine learning algorithm based on Bayes theorem that mostly employed in text classification, such as spam filtering and sentiment analysis. Besides that, the Naïve Bayes algorithm is also applicable to high-dimensional training dataset. This algorithm is a probabilistic classifier, which can predict based on the probability of an object [33]. There are three types of the Naïve Bayes algorithms, including Gaussian Naïve Bayes, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and Bernoulli Naïve Bayes. The advantages of Naïve Bayes are easy to build and suitable to be employed in large dataset, so it is outperforming even highly sophisticated classification methods [34]. Naïve Bayes is chosen in this study because this algorithm is suitable to be employed for binary classification problems, and it affords fast, highly scalable model building and scoring [35]. Nelson concluded that multinomial Naïve Bayes outperformed in classification task among the three types of Naïve Bayes algorithms [36].

3.3.6. Gradient Boosting Classifier

Gradient boosting classifier is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that combines a group of weak learners, which are the attributes with low accuracy, added together to produce a strong predictive model, which is the model with high accuracy [37]. Gradient boosting is one of the most powerful algorithms, as it can minimize the bias error of the model [38]. There are three elements required for gradient boosting to work, including a loss function, a weak learner, and an additive model. For the gradient boosting framework, the loss function used needs to be optimized as this classifier depends on a loss function. Decision trees are the weak learners that are used in gradient boosting, and the weak learners are added into the additive model over time through a gradient descent procedure to minimize the loss function [39].

3.4. Model Evaluation

For supervised machine learning algorithms, model evaluation is carried out to evaluate and compare the models so that the most suitable model for COVID-19 fake news detection is determined. There are four types of evaluation metrics to be used in this study, which are accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The calculation of the evaluation metrics is based on the confusion matrix as shown in Table 4 [40].

3.4.1. Accuracy

Accuracy represents the ratio of the number of correctly classified data instances to the total number of data instances. The higher the accuracy, the better the fitted model because it indicates that the number of data classified correctly is comparatively higher.

3.4.2. Precision

Precision, which is also known as positive predictive value, refers to the ratio of correct positive data instances to the total number of data instances that predicted positive. A good classifier should have a high value of precision, indicating the model can classify the positive data instances correctly

3.4.3. Recall

Recall, which is also known as sensitivity or true positive rate, represents the ratio of correct positive data instances to the total number of positive data instances.

3.4.4. F1-Score

According to equation (7), it is clearly shown that F1 score is highly correlated with precision and recall. Since high precision and high recall are preferred for a good classifier, a model with a high F1 score will be chosen to be the more suitable fitted model. Harikrishnan stated that F1 score is a better measure compared to accuracy as it is a harmonic mean of precision and recall [40]

3.5. Data Science Tool

For this study, Python is the selected data science tool because the Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library and the Python scikit learn library can be employed for data exploration, data preparation, and data modelling. Besides that, the language of the dataset is Malay, so Python Malaya documentation is used for data preprocessing. Python is a user-friendly platform that enables the user for text analysis through natural language processing (NLP). Since the NLTK library is designed for text data preprocessing and the scikit learn library consists of different packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, IPython, and Pandas, Python issuitable analytical tools for COVID-19 fake news detection and classification.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Models Comparison and Discussion

Among the six machine learning algorithms, there are two parametric algorithms, two nonparametric algorithms, and two ensemble algorithms. For each algorithm, there are three models carried out to compare the baseline algorithm model, the algorithm model before applying SMOTE, and the algorithm model after applying SMOTE. The baseline algorithm model refers to the model without any parameter tuning, and the parameters are set as default in Python. For the algorithm models before and after SMOTE, parameter tuning has been carried out by using the Python grid search library. Moreover, the training accuracy and testing accuracy of each model are computed to check whether the model is overfitted or not.

The results obtained are recorded in Table 5. Based on Table 5, we found that there are a few models that are overfitted, which achieved 100% accuracy in the testing set. The overfitted models are the logistic regression model and the Naïve Bayes model after applying SMOTE, the decision tree baseline model, the random forest baseline model, and all models in SVM. Among all models, the gradient-boosting classifier performs the best machine learning algorithm because the model is not overfitted and has the highest accuracy and F1-score, which are 74.36% and 85%, respectively.

Both parametric machine learning algorithms, which are logistics regression and Naïve Bayes, are overfitted after applying SMOTE. SMOTE increases the real news in the training set from 86 to 278 by generating 192 synthetic real news randomly with the implementation of kNN. Therefore, it is possible that this synthetic real news will be the reason for the model overfitting problem due to multiple samples within the class of real news [41]. To overcome this problem, Kumar suggested using a combination of oversampling and undersampling techniques. Thus, SMOTE and undersampling techniques, such as Tomek or Edited Nearest Neighbour (ENN), can be combined to increase the effectiveness of handling data imbalanced problem in a future study [41].

By comparing the two nonparametric machine learning algorithms used, Table 5 shows that the three models for support vector machine (SVM) are overfitted, whereas for decision tree classifier, the baseline model is overfitted, but the models no longer overfit after hyperparameter tuning by using grid search. Therefore, the model for the decision tree classifier indicates that parameter selection is one of the ways to overcome the overfitting problem, which is also mentioned by IBM Cloud Education [42]. One of the possible reasons that SVM models are overfitted is due to parameter gamma, because Rohilla mentioned that parameter gamma is used to control overfitting in SVM [43]. However, Yidirim mentioned that the overfitting problem will occur when very large gamma values are employed [44], so optimizing gamma values can probably overcome overfitting problem, where the gamma value is suggested to be within the range of 0.0001 to 10.

For ensemble learning algorithms, random forest, and gradient boosting classifiers, there is only one overfitted model, which is the baseline model of random forest classifier that is similar to the decision tree classifier model. Hyperparameter tuning and using ensemble methods have avoided overfitting in random forest and gradient boosting classifier models [42]. Among these two ensemble learning methods, the gradient-boosting classifier model performs better than random forest by comparing the accuracy and F1-score because gradient boosting performs better than random forest when the data set is unbalanced [45].

Based on the related work discussed in the related work session, the research studies concluded that random forest, linear SVM, decision tree, and logistic regression outperformed the other machine learning algorithms. However, the best classifier model for COVID-19 fake news detection in this project is a gradient-boosting classifier. The imbalanced size of the project dataset is one of the reasons, because Glen mentioned that a gradient-boosting classifier is a better algorithm model for the imbalanced data [45]. Besides that, gradient boosting classifier is an ensemble model, which is a combination of multiple sets of decision trees that is able to produce better results than a single model [46].

4.2. Best Model Evaluation

The best classifier model is the gradient-boosting algorithm model before applying SMOTE. The best parameters for a gradient-boosting classifier are a 0.15 learning rate, a maximum depth of 4, and 20 estimators. Based on Table 5, the training accuracy of the model is 88.19%, which does not deviate too much from the testing accuracy score, suggesting that this model is not overfitted. Based on Figure 5, the accuracy of the classification model is 74.36%, indicating that 116 labels are correctly classified out of 156 labels. Since 110 fake news stories are correctly categorized as predicted fake news, the precision of the fake news classification is 74.82%. According to Table 6 and Figure 6, the recall of the fake news classification is higher than the precision, which is 97.35%. The value of the F1-score of the gradient-boosting classifier is 84.61%, which is comparatively high.

5. Conclusion

This study is regarding COVID-19 fake news detection. Due to the data imbalance problem, SMOTE is used to overcome this problem by generating synthetic data in the training set. However, logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, and SVM are overfitted after applying SMOTE, and it is possible that this synthetic real news will be the reason for the model overfitting problem due to the multiple samples within the class of real news [41]. Therefore, due to overfitting problem and hyperparameter tuning, the gradient boosting classifier model before SMOTE is concluded to be the best classifier model for COVID-19 fake news detection, with the highest accuracy of 74.36% and an F1-score of 85%. This result can be supported by the articles written by Glen and Demir (n.d.), as they mentioned that gradient boosting classifier can not only deal with imbalanced data [45], but also produce an improved and better result than a single machine learning model [46]. In future studies, a combination of SMOTE and undersampling techniques, such as Tomek or Edited Nearest Neighbour (ENN), is suggested to be implemented to increase the effectiveness of handling data imbalance problems and as an alternative to solve the model overfitting problem in this study.

Data Availability

The data used in this study are collected and provided by the Malaysia Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The data can be obtained from the website (https://www.sebenarnya.com).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this study.


The authors are wishing to thank the Malaysia Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) for supporting this work by providing data. This research was supported by the School of Computer Sciences and School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).