Review Article

Stroke Recovery: Surprising Influences and Residual Consequences

Figure 2

(a) Diffusion-weighted image (DWI; left), showing small subcortical infarct and perfusion-weighted image (PWI; right) of a patient with severe viewer-centered neglect at Day 1. (b) DWI and PWI of the same patient at Day 3, after viewer-centered neglect recovered, as indicated by recovery of detecting stimuli on the left and copying stimuli on the left of a scene. PWI shows that reperfusion of the right frontoparietal cortex was associated with recovery of viewer-centered neglect. In this case, reperfusion was brought about with induced blood pressure elevation.
(a) Day 1: 30% correct detection of stimuli on left side of page
(b) Day 3: 80% correct detection of stimuli on left side of page