Research Article

Osteogenic Potential of Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells for Calvaria Bone Regeneration

Figure 1

Characterization of rat MAPCs. DIC microscopic picture of MAPCs culture on the fibronectin coated dish (a). MAPCs were stained with Oct4 antibody conjugated with chemiluminescent dye (b) and CD31 antibody conjugated with TRITC (c). SEM analysis visualized MAPCs on the HG materials in low power (d) and high power (e). TEM image of MAPCs that interacted with ECM and HG materials (f): hydroxyapatite (HG), MAPCs (M), and extracellular matrix (E). Scale: 5 μm. MAPCs proliferation was assessed at baseline (within 24 h after seeding) and after 7 days in osteogenic media; .