Clinical Study

Safety and Complications of Medical Thoracoscopy

Table 1

Characteristics of patients undergoing medical thoracoscopy.

CharacteristicsThe total number of patients 127

Age, median (range), year71.0 (33.0–92.0)
Sex, no. (%)
 Male101 (79.5)
 Female26 (20.5)
Smoking status, number (%)
 Nonsmoker44 (34.6)
 Smoker36 (28.3)
 Ex-smoker47 (37)
The affected side, number (%)
 Right69 (54.3)
 Left55 (43.3)
 Bilateral3 (2.4)
Nature of pleural fluid analysis, number (%)
 Exudate124 (97.6)
 Transudate3 (2.3)
Duration of ICT drainage, median (range), days7.0 (0.0–47.0)
Talc poudrage, number (%)30 (23.6)

ICT: intercostals tube.
NB: 10 of the cases of exudate were purulent and one was hemorrhagic fluid.