Research Article

The Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity and Its Correlates among the Adults in Dodoma Region, Tanzania: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

General characteristics of the study population stratified by gender.

VariableTotal (n = 840)Men (n = 305)Women (n = 535) value

Age (mean ± SD)46.01 ± 15.7247.82 ± 16.8044.97 ± 14.990.0117
WC (mean ± SD)82.21± 13.7281.12 ± 13.4682.83 ± 13.830.0819
Marital status<0.0001
Married568 (67.62%)246 (80.66%)322 (60.19%)
Divorced/separated56 (6.67%)9 (2.95%)47 (8.79%)
Widowed99 (11.79%)5 (1.64%)94 (17.57%)
Never married117 (13.93%)45 (14.75%)72 (13.46%)
Place of residence0.0630
Urban435 (51.79%)145 (47.54%)290 (54.21%)
Rural405 (48.21%)160 (52.46%)245 (45.79%)
Age (years)0.1070
18–30162 (19.29%)59 (19.34%)103 (19.25%)
31–40169 (20.12%)50 (16.39%)119 (22.24%)
41–50184 (21.90%)64 (20.98%)120 (22.43%)
51+325 (38.69%)132 (43.28%)193 (36.07%)
Education level<0.0001
Never attended school137 (16.31%)29 (9.51%)108 (20.19%)
Primary education505 (60.12%)185 (60.66%)320 (59.81%)
Secondary or higher198 (23.57%)91 (29.84%)107 (20.00%)
Employed319 (37.98%)120 (39.34%)199 (37.20%)0.0099
Students35 (4.17%)16 (5.25%)19 (3.55%)
Peasants385 (45.83%)147 (48.20%)238 (44.49%)
Household chores101 (12.02%)22 (7.21%)79 (14.77%)
Smoking status<0.0001
Nonsmokers671 (79.88%)167 (54.75%)504 (94.21%)
Current smokers169 (20.12%)138 (45.25%)31 (5.79%)
Number of meals per day0.7174
<3217 (25.83%)81 (26.56%)136 (25.42%)
≥3623 (74.17%)224 (73.44%)399 (74.58%)
Average walking per day (km)<0.0001
<0.5101 (12.02%)42 (13.77%)59 (11.03%)
0.5–1305 (36.31%)86 (28.20%)219 (40. 93%)
>1–5266 (31.67%)93 (30.49%)173 (32.34%)
>5168 (20.00%)84 (27.54%)84 (15.70%)
Time used on watching TV (hours)0.1035
0505 (60.62%)179 (58.88%)326 (61.63%)
<2180 (21.61%)60 (19.74%)120 (22.68%)
≥2148 (17.77%)65 (21.38%)83 (15.69%)