Research Article

How Do COVID-19 Inpatients in the Denver Metropolitan Area Measure Up?

Table 3

Discharge disposition and length of stay by age group.

Disposition by age group
Age intervals, ynExpired, n (%)LOS of expired, median days (IQR)Discharged alive, n (%)LOS of alive, median days (IQR)

0–1820 (0)N/A2 (100)
19–30301 (3.3)29 (96.7)3.38 (2.06–5.46)
31–6431817 (5.3)8.21 (2.17–10.90)301 (94.7)4.08 (2.29–8.86)
65–8423348 (20.6)8.13 (5.34–12.71)185 (79.4)5.21 (2.98–10.61)
85+9825 (25.5)4.62 (2.61–6.42)73 (74.5)6.21 (3.23–14.36)

IQR omitted due to low n. LOS = length of stay.