Research Article

Effects of Ocean Ecosystem on Marine Aerosol-Cloud Interaction

Table 4

Correlations of [Chl-a] and for time series of Figure 5 .

Location (Date Range)[Chl-a] and [Chl-a] and [Chl-a] and [Chl-a] and

Southern Atlantic
 Box #1 (39°S to 47°S, 57°W to 47°W)
Southern Atlantic
 Box #2 (48°S to 58°S, 43°W to 31°W)
Southern Atlantic
 Box #3 (48°S to 58°S, 31°W to 20°W)
Southern Indian
 Box #4 (48°S to 55°S, 44°E to 64°E)
Southern Indian
 Box #5 (47°S to 55°S, 71°E to 91°E)
Southern Pacific
 Box #6 (55°S to 67°S, 159°W to 145°W)
Southern Pacific
 Box #7 (46°S to 56°S, 100°W to 90°W)
Southern Pacific
 Box #8 (25°S to 35°S, 135°W to 125°W)

Numbers in parenthesis show the upper and lower bounds of a 95% confidence interval.
(2)ss-AOD at 500 nm was calculated using Smirnov et al. [57] parameterization.
(3)ss-AOD at 1020 nm was calculated using Smirnov et al. [57] parameterization.
(4)ss-AOD at 500 nm was calculated using Mulcahy et al. [58] parameterization.
(5)ss-AOD at 555 nm was calculated using Glantz et al. [59] parameterization.