Research Article

Arctic Climate Variability and Trends from Satellite Observations

Table 3

Correlation between surface skin temperature anomalies and AO/NAO indices for the 18 Arctic sub-regions based on 276 months.

Area name and ID no.*AO NAO

Beaufort sea (1)−0.1905 (99%)−0.1850 (99%)0.1832(99%)0.1662(99%)
Chukchi sea (2)−0.1696 (99%)0.1647(99%)−0.1380(88%)−0.0594(84%)
Canada basin (3)−0.1717 (99%)0.1681(99%)−0.0809(91%)−0.0718(88%)
Central arctic (4)−0.1067 (96%)0.1061(96%)−0.0128(58%)−0.0113(57%)
Laptev sea (5)−0.0278(68%)−0.0327(71%)0.0813(91%)0.0718(88%)
North pole (6)−0.0508(80%)−0.0564(82%)0.0795(91%)0.0690(87%)
Nansen basin (7)−0.0123(58%)−0.0134(59%)0.1471 (99%)0.1454 (99%)
Kara and Barents sea (8)0.1923 (99%)0.1874 (99%)0.2561 (99%)0.2441 (99%)
GIN seas (9)0.0316(70%)0.0304(69%)0.0531(81%)0.0508(80%)
Baffin bay (10)−0.3594 (99%)0.3623(99%)−0.3147 (99%)0.2996(99%)
Canada archipelago seas (11)−0.2675 (99%)0.2637(99%)−0.2513 (99%)0.2378(99%)
Hudson bay (12)−0.3190 (99%)0.3207(99%)−0.3327 (99%)0.3186(99%)
North Europe (13)0.3661 (99%)0.3798 (99%) 0.2705 (99%)0.2933 (99%)
North central Russia (14)0.3051 (99%)0.3063 (99%)0.1454 (99%)0.1480 (99%)
Northeastern Russia (15)0.0478(79%)0.0530(81%)−0.0401(75%)−0.0299(70%)
Alaska region (16)−0.2370 (99%)0.2328(99%)0.1493(92%)0.1298(99%)
North Canada (17)0.1875(99%)0.1829(99%)0.2958(99%)0.2794(99%)
Greenland Island (18)0.4157(99%)0.4164(99%)0.4534(99%)0.4443(99%)

*Numbers in parenthesis in the second and third columns are the student’s t-test confidence level for the above correlation coefficient. Bold type indicates correlations with confidence levels of 95% or higher. Correlations were done with original time series (Original) and detrended time series (Detrended) as marked in the first table row.