Research Article

The Elements of Water Balance in the Changing Climate in Poland

Table 3

Comparison of modelled and observed precipitation for the city of Poznan referring to second-order statistics: sums of squared differences, ratios of variances, and correlation coefficients (corresponding rank in brackets) and the final ranks for the models based on the precipitation.

ModelSum of squared differences (model − real) in mmRatio of variance of the model to observational varianceCorrelationFinal rank

C4IRCA5583.10 (5)0.284 (4)0.123 (5)5
ETHZ4971.38 (3)0.255 (5)0.362 (4)4
KNMI4172.73 (2)0.503 (3)0.709 (2)2
METO-HC5543.56 (4)1.096 (2)0.563 (3)3
MPI-M-REMO3619.26 (1)1.028 (1)0.846 (1)1