Research Article

Study on Clean Development Mechanism, Quantitative and Sustainable Mechanism

Table 1

Demand forecast of national carbon offset in non-Annex I countries during the period 2008–2012 [13].

Potential demand from industrialized countries (MtCO2e)Potential supplies (MtCO2e)
Country or entityKyoto assets demandOfficial target*

EU1,293Potential GIS>1,500
Government (EU-15)428Ukraine500–700
Private sector (EU ETS)865Russian Federation200
Czech Republic120
Other EU-10600

Private sector200

Rest of Annex B51CDM & JI1,573Range: 1,500–1,658
Private sector5JI300250–357

Private sector

*These numbers correspond to the amounts of AAUs governments intend to sell. They are much lower than the whole amount of excess AAUs, now estimated at more than 10 billion tCO2e over the first commitment period, with Russia accounting for half, Ukraine one-quarter, and Poland one-fifth.