Research Article

A Hybrid Model Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm for Wind Speed Forecasting

Algorithm 1

Maxmize smell concentration
The best smell concentration (Smellbest)
Iteration number (Maxgen). Population size (sizepop). Location range (LR). Random fly direction and distance zone of fruit fly
()    / Initialization /
()    /Set Maxgen, sizepop /
()    /Initialization swarm location LR and fly range FR /
()    Iter = 0
()   _axis = rand (LR), _axis = rand (LR)
()    / Calculate initial smell concentration /
()    Smellbest = Function ( _axis, _axis).
()    Repeat
()    While  
() /Osphresis searching process. /
() /Given the random direction and distance for food searching of any individual fruit fly. /
() _axis + rand (FR), _axis + rand (FR)
() /Calculate the distance of food source to the initialization location. /
() .
() /Calculate the smell concentration judgment value. /
() .
() /Calculate the smell concentration./
() /Find out the fruit fly with maximal smell concentration among the swarm./
() / Vision searching process /
() If  bestSmell > Smellbest  then  Smellbest = bestSmell;
()  _axis = (bestIndex), _axis = (bestIndex)
()  Iter = Iter + 1
() Until  Iter = Maxgen