Research Article

Drought Hazard Evaluation in Boro Paddy Cultivated Areas of Western Bangladesh at Current and Future Climate Change Conditions

Figure 6

The probability density function (PDF) of SPEI values by the threshold level during January to May for the A1B scenario using the three GCMs outputs in the northwestern and southwestern regions. The black, red, blue, and green lines represent the PDFs during the observed period (1984–2013), future 1 (CGCM3.1 GCMs), future 2 (FGOALS-G1.0 GCMs), and future 3 (HadGEM1 GCMs) models, respectively, for the period (2041–2070).
(a) Dinajpur
(b) Rangpur
(c) Bogra
(d) Rajshahi
(e) Faridpur
(f) Khulna
(g) Satkhira
(h) Barisal