Research Article

Case Study of Ground-Based Glaciogenic Seeding of Clouds over the Pyeongchang Region

Table 1

Summary of the ground-based glaciogenic seeding experiments during 2012–2015.

Exp. numberLocationGNCPOSYP4Results
DateLWC1 (g m−3)Cloud type2Burning period (LST)Temp.3 (°C)WS3 (m s−1)WD3 (deg)Visibility3 (m)NOSEED (LST)SEED (LST)Post-SEED (LST)Enhanced rainfall5 (mm)MRR6PARSIVEL7
Total conc. (L−1)Diameter (mm)

EXP12012.02.25N/AStNs1425–1455−53.6522331345–14351435–15251525–1655Yes (0.5)YesN/A
EXP22013.03.130.29StNs1800–1900−5.31.3551861705–18151815–19251925–2015Yes (0.5)Yes
EXP42015.04.070.10StAs1510–1610−3.7N/A641231405–15201520–16351635–1725Yes (0.5)Yes

Average liquid water content between 500 m and 1000 m MSL during the period from 1 h before turning the generator on to turning it off. 2Cloud type based on human-eye observations during the period from 1 h before turning the generator on to turning it off. 3Average weather conditions during the burning period. 4SEED is the period during which more than 10−1 L of AgI in the WRF simulation exist on the surface at YP. The NOSEED and SEED periods are equally long, whereas the post-SEED is the 50 min period after SEED as estimated by the SNPS at CPOS. 5The enhanced precipitation by seeding is calculated as the difference between NOSEED and Tot-SEED (SEED + post-SEED). 6“Yes” represents MRR reflectivity increased during Tot-SEED compared with that during NOSEED. 7Variation in the average total concentration and diameter during NOSEED and Tot-SEED.