Research Article

Analysis of the Gale in the Bohai Sea Caused by Tropical Cyclone “Yagi”

Figure 1

(a) Simulation domain; (b) land use categories in the control experiment (CE); (c) land use categories in sensitivity experiment 1 (SE_1). The numbers on the legend bar represent the 20 MODIS land use categories modified by the IGBP (1: evergreen needleleaf forest; 2: evergreen broadleaf forest; 3: deciduous needleleaf forest; 4: deciduous broadleaf forest; 5: mixed forest; 6: closed shrubland; 7: open shrubland; 8: woody savanna; 9: savanna; 10: grassland; 11: permanent wetland; 12: cropland; 13: urban and built-up land; 14: cropland/natural vegetation mosaic; 15: snow and ice; 16: barren or sparsely vegetated; 17: water; 18: wooded tundra; 19: mixed tundra; 20: barren tundra).