Research Article

Evaluation of Rainfall and Temperature Conditions for a Perennial Crop in Tropical Wetland: A Case Study of Cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire

Table 1

Multiple regression coefficients applied to the explanatory variables (i.e., precipitation and temperature) and the explained variable (i.e., cocoa production) for each studied department over the 1989–2006 period.

AreasCorrelation coefficients and degree of freedomCoefficients of the explanatory variables of the constant b

Aben0.1750.989142.5E + 529.7932.53−7.9E + 3
Agbo0.1690.95114−0.15E + 5−7.0916.131.1E + 3
Daloa0.1811.030147.7E + 5106.864.05−28.5E + 3
Dimb0.0550.2731430.8E + 5−86.31−321.9−10.5E + 4
Guigl0.2631.66514−5.3E + 586.2856.9219.2E + 3
Soub0.0630.31414−25.8E + 5116.326.01100.7E + 3