Research Article

Evaluation of the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model for Pastureland Evapotranspiration Mapping and Drought Monitoring in North Central Kentucky

Table 1

Descriptive monthly statistics of evapotranspiration (mean ± SEM, range, minimum (min), maximum (max), and sum of ET measured (EC, eddy covariance), simplified surface energy balance (SSEBop) model, and reference Penman–Monteith (P–M) evapotranspiration) for 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Mean ± SEMRangeMinMaxSum

2016EC57.37 ± 12.21111.835.24117.07688.46
SSEBop55.30 ± 15.75131.000.00131.00663.50
P–M102.0 ± 9.44104.5445.87150.411223.95
2017EC49.67 ± 10.9499.162.53101.69596.00
SSEBop55.54 ± 15.03128.400.00128.40666.45
P–M109.08 ± 13.34176.8047.01176.801308.97
2018EC45.52 ± 10.9098.393.21101.60546.18
SSEBop57.42 ± 15.09129.00.00129.00689.00
P–M89.77 ± 12.55134.0811.21145.291077.28

SEM = standard error of the mean.