Research Article

Bayesian Spatial and Trend Analysis on Ozone Extreme Data in South Korea: 1991–2015

Table 4

Schlater’s model parameter estimation using the linear correlation between location and scale parameter with that of latitude and longitude (shape parameter considered constant).

Nugget (SD)Range (SD)Smooth (SD) (SD) (SD)

0.003 (0.0012)0.015 (0.0035)61.825 (29.3)−0.049 (0.00053)−0.001 (0.00083)
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)
0.001 (0.0071)−0.064 (0.0061)−0.001 (0.0036)0.001 (0.00083)−0.270 (0.034)

Lon = longitude, Lat = latitude, Cons = constant, SD = standard deviation, μ = mean, σ = population standard deviation.