Research Article

Evaluating the Performance of Secondary Precipitation Products through Statistical and Hydrological Modeling in a Mountainous Tropical Basin of India

Figure 8

Scatterplots depicted for simulated versus observed runoff for (a) IMD, (b) APHRODITE, (c) SM2RAIN-CCI, (d) CHIRP, (e) GSMaP_Gauge_RNL v6, (f) CHIRPS 0.05°, (g) PGF 0.25°, (h) PGF 0.5°, (i) MSWEP, (j) CHIRPS 0.25°, (k) NCEP-CFSR, (l) TRMM 3B42 v7, (m) GPCC v7, (n) GPCC v2018, (o) PERSIANN-CDR, and (p) GPCP-CDR rainfall datasets during validation phase.