Research Article

Long-Term Rainfall Information Forecast by Utilizing Constrained Amount of Observation through Artificial Neural Network Approach

Table 3

ANN parameters and configuration for future rainfall forecasting.


Network configurationInput (5); hidden (6) and hidden (4); output (1)
Transfer functionLinear transfer function (purelin) at hidden 1, the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) at hidden 2, linear transfer function (purelin) at the output layers
Training algorithmGradient descent algorithm (traingda), the adaptive learning rule
Learning rate0.05
The ratio for the learning rate increment1.05
Target performance in terms of MSE0.002
The optimum number of epochs to train30

The training performance range of eleven networks among years 2010–2020MSE: 0.01–0.002 mm2d−2
R: 0.91–0.95