Research Article

The Dew Particle Interception Abilities of Typical Plants in Northeast China Plant Leaves Capture Particles in Dew

Figure 6

Microstructures of different species with SEM. (a–c) Leaf surface of Pinus (×500; ×600; ×1000); (d) adaxial leaf surface of Hemiptelea (×1000); (e) stomata of the abaxial leaf surface of Hemiptelea (×2000); (f) the base of one of a dense mat of glochid trichomes of Hemiptelea (×4000); (g) adaxial leaf surface of Buxus (×2000); (h) abaxial leaf surface of Buxus (×3000); (i) one stomata of the abaxial leaf surface of Buxus (×4000); (j) adaxial leaf surface of Syringa (×400); (k) abaxial leaf surface of Syringa (×1000); (l) one stomata of the abaxial leaf surface of Syringa (×8000). The structure in the the red rectangle is more inclined to capture particulate matter.