Research Article

The Dew Particle Interception Abilities of Typical Plants in Northeast China Plant Leaves Capture Particles in Dew

Table 1

Leaf or leaflet traits of the 4 selected plant species.

SpeciesHeight (m)Leaf size (cm2)TextureTrichomesShapeMarginNumber of leaves (×104)Leaf morphology

Buxus1.8–3.22 ± 0.5Smooth, waxyNoneEllipticalSmooth1.5–2.3

Syringa2.5–3.551 ± 12.7SmoothNoneCompoundLobate0.9–2.1

Hemiptelea2.2–3.115 ± 3.8Rough with multiple veinsLarge and few (adaxial); short and numerous (abaxial)EllipticalSerrate2.5–3.5

Pinus1.8–3.50.4 ± 0.1Smooth, water repellentNoneAcicularSmooth25–28