Research Article

Statistics of the Performance of Gridded Precipitation Datasets in Indonesia

Table 1

Summary of the eight gridded precipitation products evaluated in this study.

Datasets [reference]Input data and sensorsPeriodsSpatial resolutionData repository

Climate hazards group infrared precipitation stations (CHIRPS) v2.0 [23]CHPClim, IR NOAA: CPC, IR & NCDC B1 IR, TMPA 3B42, CFSv2, and rain gauge from NHMs, regional, GHCN, GSOD, GTS, SASSCAL1981-present0.25
Climate prediction center morphing technique climate data record (CMORPH-CDR) v1.0 [24]DMSP 13, 14 & 15 (SSM/I), NOAA-15, 16, 17 & 18 (AMSU-B), AMSR-E and TMI from AQUA and TRMM NASA1998-present0.25
Princeton global meteorological forcing dataset (GFD)v3 [25]NCEP-NCAR, CRU, daily GPCP, TRMM and NASA Langley surface radiation budget1948–20160.25
Precipitation Estimation from remotely sensed information using artificial neural networks-climate data record (PERSIANN-CDR) v01 r01 [26]Hourly NCEP stage IV from NEXRADs radar and rain gauges, GEO B1 global ISCCP (GEOS, meteosat, GMS, FY2), GPCP v 2.2, GridSat-B1 IRWIN1983-present0.25
Tropical rainfall measuring mission multi-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA 3B42v7) [27, 28]TMI-TRMM, DMSP-SSM/I, AQUA-AMSR-E, NOAA-AMSU-B, GEO-IR, LEO–GPI, TCI-TRMM, TRMM PR1998–20190.25
Global satellite mapping of precipitation reanalysis product (GSMaP_RNL)
V06 [29, 30]
FCST, TRMM, AQUA, DMSP F13-F17, NOAA N15-N18, GMS, METEOSAT, Himawari, TMI, GMI, TRMM/PR and GPM/DPR2000-present0.1
Global precipitation measurement-integrated multi-satellite retrieval for GPM (GPM-IMERG)
V06 (final run) [31,32]
DMSP 13, 14 & 15 (SSM/I), NOAA-15, 16, 17 & 18 (AMSU-B), AMSR-E and TMI from AQUA and TRMM NASA, TRMM PR-TMI, GPM DPR-GMI, AQUA-AMSR-E, DMSP SSMI F13-F15, SSMIS F16-F19, GCOMW1-AMSR2, NOAA-AMSU 15–17, MHS 18–19, ATMS 20, METOP 1, 2, M-T SAPHIR, GEOS FP, GMS, MTSAT, HIMAWARI, Meteosat, GPCP2000-present0.1
Multi-source weighted-ensemble precipitation (MSWEP) v2 [33]CMORPH, ERA-interim, gridSat, GSMaP, JRA-55, and TMPA 3B42RT, GPCC FDR, rain gauge stations GHCN, GSOD and WorldClim V.21979-present0.1